Today – March 31st, Living AI announced the start of shipping for EMO as promised. They did so here on their site
This is a great start and one that I know they have worked very hard to keep to. One of the things I have learned working with the team over the last few months is that they aim to keep their word and they know that their word is something of honour.
Now I literally FEEL the rise in expectation of people out there. People are so excited that EMO is shipping and everyone will naturally think that this means their specific order will arrive next week. Sorry Folks, that’s an unrealistic expectation. Everyone would dearly love their EMO next week, but we need to factor in a number of things, including the fact that they are still building them, the time it takes to box them up, the time it takes to ship them and so on.
The Living AI team are working now on getting EMO out the door. They are focusing on getting the delivery right. This does not mean shipping 1000’s of units on day 1. It means starting off slow and getting things out the door and to people, and then building up the volume, all the while improving their processes.
Honestly – this is a very smart way to do it. It allows them to constantly refine the delivery process so that the entire experience becomes smoother.
Please be patient. EMO is coming. People will get him and they will post their own thoughts on EMO.
Let the war of the robots begin! 🙂