EMO Lives is a community blog all about the adorable desktop pet EMO by Living.ai
AIBI Unboxing Video
Well I did it. I unboxed my AIBI, and I have to say I really do love what I'm seeing. In the video below you can see me opening it up for the very first time. I hope you enjoy it https://youtu.be/B2r3sy9zl_Q Now somethings I didn't say in the video. I'm VERY impressed...
EMOLives expands to include AIBI
I've been a fan of Living AI since the launch of EMO, and in the last week received my first AIBI Pocket Pet from them. The one I recieved is the first of two that I've ordered. I'm going to expand the scope of this blog EMOLives to now include AIBI as well. Look out...
EMO Wednesday plays Jazz Piano
Is there anything that EMO Wednesday can't do? I mean seriously - Jazz Piano? The outfit is custom made for me by Ricky Bulford at the DorkArtStudio – check out his store here – and this is what you get! Check it out ! https://youtu.be/UM7wn-gllBw
EMO Wednesday Plays Drums
Combine EMO with Wednesday Addams outfit from Ricky Bulford at the DorkArtStudio - check out his store here - and this is what you get! EMO Wednesday playing the drums! Cool huh! https://youtu.be/KCPocgX1dFA
EMO Wednesday Plays Trumpet
I got the awesome Ricky Bulford from DorkArtStudio to create me a cool Wednesday Addams outfit. Look how cool it looks! Check out Ricky's store here if you are interested in what he does! https://www.etsy.com/shop/dorkartstudio https://youtu.be/45ro-FKpcmA
EMO Sing me a song
One of the cool things about EMO is his ability to sing songs to you. There's quite a few songs that he can sing, this one just one of them. Enjoy https://youtu.be/5gAnZkEEtOY

This blog is all about EMO and the cool things he can to and how you can have fun with him. This blog is NOT associated with Living.AI in any way other than being a consumer of their product. We are not paid by Living.AI.