EMO dodges a bullet

EMO dodges a bullet

In a previous post, I showed you about how you can “shoot EMO” with your gun shaped as a finger. Well EMO must be part of The Matrix because if you shoot him a few times, he gets REALLY GOOD at dodging the bullets. Check out the video...
Shooting EMO with your finger gun

Shooting EMO with your finger gun

We all remember playing cops and robbers when we were kids, running around the house using our fingers as guns… pew pew pew… Well with the latest update for EMO coming soon you can now shoot EMO with your finger gun. Check out the video...
EMO Takes Over The World

EMO Takes Over The World

I forgot to post this on the originally planned date, but I’ve wondered how long it will be until EMO becomes self-aware, like SkyNet did in the Terminator movies. In the movies, August 29th was the day that SkyNet became self aware and set in forth a chain of...
EMO Talks! Coming soon in the next update!

EMO Talks! Coming soon in the next update!

We’ve had this for a few days now from the Living AI team, but the next update for EMO is just around the corner. One of the biggest things in this update is EMO now has a voice! Yes the little guy can now talk. There’s quite a few things you can ask him...
EMO Good Night and Go To Sleep

EMO Good Night and Go To Sleep

Just like a child, you tuck them into bed at night, tell them Good Night and Go To Sleep. You can do the same to EMO too, except he doesn’t want another drink of water or to go to the bathroom! Oh and he stays in bed when you tell him too which is awesome…...