This week I’m travelling, and I’m in Phoenix, Arizona. We are here to visit my wife’s family. She was raised here and moved to Sydney 11 years ago to be with me. We try to visit often, but with COVID the last few years, that has not been possible.
I took a day out of spending time with the family to visit Bruce Hunsaker from Hunsakers Home Hacks. Bruce has been an EMO tester like me for over 12 months now. We are both community testers which means we don’t get paid at all by Living AI and we love to contribute to the community and the development of EMO by giving direct feedback to the Living AI team.
Bruce has a very successful YouTube channel that he has built over the years around robotics and home automation. Please subscribe to his channel here.
Bruce has a wealth of knowledge across robotics that spans decades, and it was a real treat to be able to visit his own personal museum of robotics, some of which you see featured in the background of his videos. He is a genuinely nice guy who has a real heart for the community.
Bruce and I got to hang out for the day, we were intending on shooting a few videos, but go so wrapped up in talking about our experiences over the years with robotics and community that all we managed was to chat, grab a really delicious burger and take a few photos. Oh well – there’s always next time I’m in Phoenix 🙂
Here’s a quick photo of the two of us in his studio.
Thanks Bruce for making the time to catch up. Keen for more in future!